Chengde Restaurants
There are plenty of restaurants catering to tourists on Lizhengmen Lu, around thc%26#8217; nrain entrance to the mountain resort. The small places west of the Shan,zhuang hotel are fine, ifa litde pri ...
Changsha Flights
The Changsha Huanghua Airport (Huanghua feijichang) is 17km east of the city. The main CAAC office is at 5 Wuyi donglu, near to the railway station. There are shuttle buses (RMB20) between them. There ...
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Changsha Flights
The Changsha Huanghua Airport (Huanghua feijichang) is 17km east of the city. The main CAAC office is at 5 Wuyi donglu, near to the railway station. There are shuttle buses (RMB20) between them. There ...
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