Nelliyampathy is 75 kms from Palakkad. Nelliampathy Palakkad is blessed with a rich population of elephants, Bison and Hill Squirrels. This high range hamlet is charming with its thick evergreen forests, tea and orange plantations.
Just 75 kms drive from Palakkad, the Nelliyampathy hills comprise a chain of ridges cut off from one another by valley of dense evergreen forests, tea and orange plantations. Seetha kund and kesavanpara are interesting spots in Nelliyampathy.
Travel from Palakkad to Nelliyampathy is highly satisfying as you covers a dozen hairpin curves through the jungles of sahya mountain ranges. Pothundi reservoir 17 kms from Palakkad in Nelliyampathy route is an ideal stop over.
Accessing Nelliyampathy from Palghat is a sensation on its own, as you negotiate over a dozen hairpin curves on the ghat road passing through the fascinating jungles of the Sahya Ranges. En route, 17 kms. from Palghat, the shimmering Pothundi Reservoir and its manicured surroundings make for an ideal stop over.
A forest ranges 75 kms. (travel time: 2 ½ hours) from Palghat, the Nelliyampathy hills comprise a chain of ridges cut off from one another by valleys of dense evergreen forests and orange plantations The height of the hills range from 467 meters to the tallest peak Padagiri looming at 1572 meters.
Just 75 kms drive from Palakkad, the Nelliyampathy hills comprise a chain of ridges cut off from one another by valley of dense evergreen forests, tea and orange plantations. Seetha kund and kesavanpara are interesting spots in Nelliyampathy.
Travel from Palakkad to Nelliyampathy is highly satisfying as you covers a dozen hairpin curves through the jungles of sahya mountain ranges. Pothundi reservoir 17 kms from Palakkad in Nelliyampathy route is an ideal stop over.
Accessing Nelliyampathy from Palghat is a sensation on its own, as you negotiate over a dozen hairpin curves on the ghat road passing through the fascinating jungles of the Sahya Ranges. En route, 17 kms. from Palghat, the shimmering Pothundi Reservoir and its manicured surroundings make for an ideal stop over.
A forest ranges 75 kms. (travel time: 2 ½ hours) from Palghat, the Nelliyampathy hills comprise a chain of ridges cut off from one another by valleys of dense evergreen forests and orange plantations The height of the hills range from 467 meters to the tallest peak Padagiri looming at 1572 meters.