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Tantra Classes and Lessons in India

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  • Tantra Classes and Lessons in India

    Hi! I was wondering if anyone has had the opportunity to take tantra courses in India? I've studied tantra for several years but haven't been able to go to India where I feel the essence of tantra remains.

    My friend has visited the Tureya Ashram (website is in southern India and says that they occasionally offer courses in tantra to students who are interested. Has anyone had experience with them? It been difficult finding a good ashram through the net, but they seem to have a really open minded view of spirituality which is what I am looking for. I've been in communication with them and am considering going based upon my friends experience there.

    If not in southern India, does anyone know of a tantra ashram or school in the north, or a buddhist school in Nepal where I can study? I am really interested in learning the real form of tantra, not the westernized system.

    Thank you for your help!

  • #2
    Hi! I encourage you to definitely pursue your path of tantra in India as the western practice of tantra has been corrupted with hyper sexuality and at time perversion. As with some religious systems, tantra has been reduced to one singular method, in this case sex, and overly publicized in its reduced form. But tantra is a very dynamic system and can be considered the root science for spirituality in India including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.

    Tantra at the Tureya Foundation which you have noted is philosophically based upon the Rishi Tradition of yoga (information provided by disciples of Swami Tureyananda). It is not corrupted with the hyper sexual methodology of tantra so widely distributed in the west but rather focuses on the esoteric practices of the ancient philosophy of tantra which include techniques such as kriyas (for purifying the body), meditation, asanas (physical postures), and other practices which are free from sexual contact.

    One thing to understand prior to studying tantra in India is that there are essentially two paths within the tantric system, that of white tantra (right hand path) and that of black (left hand path). The white tantra is composed of more esoteric practices with a focus on contemplation where as the black tantra is derived from more taboo-like practices that part the ways of social stigmas and dogmas. But the right hand path can be as effective as the left hand path, and I am fairly sure that schools like the Tureya Ashram will offer this perspective to students as it is a more evolved science, especially for western students.

    Good luck on your journeys!


    • #3
      Yoga to students

      Yoga is also help the people by healed them emotionally and physically from the challenge of chemotherapy.Yoga classes [Url Removed].


      • #4
        what is tantra actually ?
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        • #5
          Tantra is a way of life . I am learning tantra in India for the last 4 years with my guru Maria Martins( Bhakti Shakti ) in Goa . Fantastic Indian classical tantra .

