At this small private factory employs about 30 people. All, without exception – the female sex. Division of labor, not every girl makes a cigar from and to themselves. The process itself utterly primitive. First, a specially cut tobacco leaf – so that later he was easy to twist.
Then the sheet is filled with twists of tobacco and rapid movements of “palm on palm. At this stage, if necessary, insert the filter. Then a special instrument is processed (“jam”) the edge cigars.
In the next stage molded sticker label with the name of the factory. The sticker also holds the cigar, preventing her from spontaneous “unfolding”.
Next, cut off excess. On the reaction of male sex is an extremely positive. Tents almost married. Stay was not easy, especially when such work young lady.
And here is the finished product: During the shift, which lasts about 10 hours, every girl does around 1000 cigars. That is about 100 cigars in an hour. That is almost 2 cigars per minute. Well, yes, Ministry of Health warned and all that. Be Healthy!

Then the sheet is filled with twists of tobacco and rapid movements of “palm on palm. At this stage, if necessary, insert the filter. Then a special instrument is processed (“jam”) the edge cigars.
In the next stage molded sticker label with the name of the factory. The sticker also holds the cigar, preventing her from spontaneous “unfolding”.
Next, cut off excess. On the reaction of male sex is an extremely positive. Tents almost married. Stay was not easy, especially when such work young lady.
And here is the finished product: During the shift, which lasts about 10 hours, every girl does around 1000 cigars. That is about 100 cigars in an hour. That is almost 2 cigars per minute. Well, yes, Ministry of Health warned and all that. Be Healthy!