East and west does'nt have only geographical distance. Their thought process,living style,Attitute towords life,spiritual belifs,art music,cinema and hundreeds of other dimention of life has a great distance. In spiritual world also, east is on one pole and west is on another pole.
Buddha,Kabira,Mahabira,Lih Tzu,Tao Tzu,Krishna,Nanka and many more has visited this beautifull land of east. These are the jewel of inner beauty. Buddha ..The Light of Asia is the greatest Jewel humanity has ever procuced on this beautifull planet.
Have u ever travelled india? Did you traced buddha foot print.. Plz share your experience and expections to help improving travel services in india. Royal Monk, spiritual and cultural tour Guide will love to expolre and inhance your travel experience in india.Plz let me know if someone wanna visit thailand (say it perl of ocean).We have few great travel product for you
Buddha,Kabira,Mahabira,Lih Tzu,Tao Tzu,Krishna,Nanka and many more has visited this beautifull land of east. These are the jewel of inner beauty. Buddha ..The Light of Asia is the greatest Jewel humanity has ever procuced on this beautifull planet.
Have u ever travelled india? Did you traced buddha foot print.. Plz share your experience and expections to help improving travel services in india. Royal Monk, spiritual and cultural tour Guide will love to expolre and inhance your travel experience in india.Plz let me know if someone wanna visit thailand (say it perl of ocean).We have few great travel product for you