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  • #16
    tomammi! The beautiful image you have shared in your post. This image is taken from banyan tree hotel Bangkok. It is a fabulous hotel in Bangkok in any way. I have stayed this hotel two days and enjoy candle light dinner with my fiancé before my new york tour packages. I have spent a great time there which I can never forget in my whole life.


    • #17
      I think there is more than that place in bangkok to be explore

      promo valentine
      artikel traveling | Romantisme Dieng Culture | tips traveling


      • #18
        After reading the above-shared posts i want to plan my next tour of the Bangkok. I would like to spoend my holidays with my aunt and it willbe best destination for me to chiose. My aunt will also like it. As my aunt like to eat food so let me know the names of famous resturents of this city?


        • #19
          Did you know Bangkok is a synonym of street food?

          Well, probably not according to the official dictionary, but having eaten and explored the street food in this culinary wonderland since 2009, I can say without doubt, Bangkok is one of the world’s best cities for food.

          According to Lonely Planet’s survey, Bangkok tops the world as the best city to visit if you’re a food lover. Here you can find The 15 Best Street Food to Enjoy in Bangkok | The Real Travelers


          • #20
            Bangkok is a most famous city of Thailand. It is a best destination for travelling. It is famous for most incredible and gorgeous attractions. I really like to see its most fabulous fun places. I also visited there and I really enjoyed there hiking. In my point of view hiking is a best way for having fun. I will love to sya other travellers that you must try this fabulous activity while you will move towards on this amazing city. I hope you will enjoy there a lot.

