Finally a place where to share our travel experiences n memories! thanks all! well I've been lately to Morocco, this northafrica country..... it was fascinating, the weather was really fine n ppl's hospitality made the travel inforgetable! cities like Marrakech , Ourzazate n Tangier were just attracting, but to notice that the north n south have some different culture n even weather, n different ppl aswell ! so if you've already been to morocco, I'd like us to share more experiences n travel tips, plus if there are some moroccan guides online please let's stay intouch! and for people who already been in morocco n wanna have a home there, I guess I can recommend Tangier, it's on the north of the country n just 15km far from spain, weather's warm, people r modest n food is just DELICIOUS! but if you have experienced anyother fascinationg location let me know plz !
Finally a place where to share our travel experiences n memories! thanks all! well I've been lately to Morocco, this northafrica country..... it was fascinating, the weather was really fine n ppl's hospitality made the travel inforgetable! cities like Marrakech , Ourzazate n Tangier were just attracting, but to notice that the north n south have some different culture n even weather, n different ppl aswell ! so if you've already been to morocco, I'd like us to share more experiences n travel tips, plus if there are some moroccan guides online please let's stay intouch! and for people who already been in morocco n wanna have a home there, I guess I can recommend Tangier, it's on the north of the country n just 15km far from spain, weather's warm, people r modest n food is just DELICIOUS! but if you have experienced anyother fascinationg location let me know plz !