Hello! Yesterday, I traveled to Hong Kong with a carry-on bag. I believed it met the airline's guidelines, but it turned out to be heavier than I thought. As a result, I had to pay $100 for my luggage since I couldn't remove any items. I felt quite let down. To prevent this in the future, take a look at this video on how to efficiently pack a carry-on. I wish I had come across it before my trip. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YNxE_Fo7zI
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Had A Problem With My Carry On Luggage
I feel so sad to know about what happened with you. Packing light is always a pressure full process for me. Rules vary for different airlines, so that I always prefer to pack light as much as possibly I could do. Thanks for sharing this useful link to us I am sure this would be a great source to have tips and tricks. Must watch it out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kU5GysI2kngtours west coast best to admire beauty of the west coast!!