Which type food, should not take during the travel, which can damage our teeth ?
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Which type food effective to teeth?
Here are some Food and Drink that can damage your teeth:
• Ice is for chilling, not chewing
• Not all coffee is good for you
• Sticky foods are your mouth's worst nightmare
• Beware of things that go "crunch"
• Swap out soda with water
• Limit alcohol consumption
• Acidic foods: If you thought sucking on lemon wedges is a home-remedy for tooth whitening then you need to rethink, because it is very harmful.Search, Compare & Book Manila Flights:- http://www.hoodaki.com/cheap-flights/manila
Raw carrots, milk and cheese is good . Use any toothpaste and add baking powder whilst brushing.
Fruit and juices, fizzy other drinks causes acid so if you do eat and drink any of that ,
brush your teeth or chew chewing gum without sugar needless to say.