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Questionnaire for Degree Student

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  • Questionnaire for Degree Student

    I am a third year International Tourism Management student at the University of Plymouth Business School, and as part of my final year project I am investigating the effect the Boxing Day Tsunami of 2004 has had on tourist behaviour in relation to wanting to visiting the region.

    In order to help with this study, I am questioning tourists to evaluate how their views on the region have changed, and what they think would encourage them to visit.

    I have developed a questionnaire with a set of 20 questions, with the objctives of:

    • Establishing how such a disaster effects tourists desires/views towards visiting the destination
    • To identify whether the earthquake and resulting tsunami could attract visitors
    • To identify what tourists believe could encourage them back to the region

    I'd greatly appreciate it if you could help me in my studies by completing this questionnaire. Please contact me via the forum with your e-mail address and I shall send it on to you.


    Liz Bomken

  • #2
    I understand that people may not want to send out their email address to someone they dont know, but I can assure you that the identities and answers of any respondents will be kept entirely confidential, and I will never email you again with any spam etc.

    Feel free to email me and I shall forward the questionnaire to you.

    So far I have only had one response, out of 75 that I need!! So any help will be greatly appreciated,



    • #3
      We dont communicat on the forum through emails. We use Private Messages. Please read the rules!


      • #4
        I have now managed to get my questionnaire up online, where you can complete it fully confidentially.
        The address is:

        Completion should take about 3 minutes, and would be EXTREMELY helpful and apprecited

        Last edited by ph03nix; 02-17-2009, 05:59 PM.

