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classic routes for travelling Tibet in 2011

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  • classic routes for travelling Tibet in 2011


    D1: arrive at Nyingchi
    Landscape: Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon, Nanyi ditch
    Accommodation: hotel
    D2: Nyingchi---Rulang
    Landscape: Rulang immense forest
    Accommodation: hotel
    D3: Nyingchi--Basum Lake—Lhasa
    Landscape: river valley, virgin forest, Basum Lake
    Accommodation: hotel
    D4: Lhasa
    Landscape: the Potala Palace, Jokhang Monastery and Barkhor Street
    Accommodation: hotel


    D1: Lhasa
    Landscape: the Potala Palace, Jokhang Monastery and Barkhor Street
    Accommodation: hotel
    D2: Lhasa---Samye ferry---Chim-puk
    Landscape: valley scenery of Yarlung Tsangpo river, Samye monastery, the ashram Chim-puk
    Accommodation: bivouac
    D3-4: the ashram Chim-puk
    Landscape: caves, relics, springs, getting in touch with stylites
    Accommodation: bivouac
    D5: Chim-puk----Lhasa
    shopping or scheduling self-ordained
    Accommodation: hotel

    Qomolangma to tibetan village

    D1: Lhasa
    Landscape: the Potala Palace, Jokhang Monastery and Barkhor Street
    Accommodation: hotel
    D2: Lhasa----Shigatse
    Landscape: the scenes of Yarlung Tsangpo river, Tashilhunpo monastery.
    Accommodation: hotel
    D3: Shigatse----Lazi----shiger
    Landscape: scenes on the way, Juenang monastery, penglingtso monastery
    Accommodation: guesthouse
    D4: shiger---- Qomolangma
    Landscape: Rongbuk monastery, glaciers, Qomolangma
    Accommodation: Rongbuk guesthouse
    D5: Rongbuk monastery---Lazi
    Landscape: Lazi hot spring, shopping
    Accommodation: hotel
    D6: Lazi---Riwuqi village
    Landscape: scenes of valley, farming area, towers in Riwuqi monastery
    Accommodation: bivouac
    D7-8: Riwuqi village
    Experiencing folk-custom and daily life of tibetan
    Accommodation: bivouac
    D9: Riwuqi village---Lazi
    Accommodation: hotel
    D10: Lazi---Shigatse----Lhasa

    There is another problem I want to confirm. Is there anyone like outdoors exercises in Tibet? I am an outdoor exercises hobbyist and a member of a Tibet outdoors club. If there are some one like it, please contact me at any time.
    private website about travelling in Tibet: