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Bhutan, Thimphu Festival

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  • Bhutan, Thimphu Festival

    I am planning a Bhutan tour for the upcoming Thimphu Tshechu festival and looking for travel partner. I have done some awesome festival tours to Mustang (Tiji Festival) and Tyangboche, Everest (Mani Rimdu) in past and I am expecting it to be as enchanting as those.
    Here is some information about the festival:
    The Thimpu Tshechu festival starts on 25th September with Shacham (stag dance). The dancer monks participate wearing knee long costumes and stag masks. The festival is dedicated to Guru Padmasambhava, known in the Himalayas as Guru Rinpochhe. Guru Rinpochhe was Tantric Buddhist saint and teacher who brought Buddhism in the Himalayas in 8th century.
    The festival could be openly participated by tourists now days and is a great photography opportunity for Bhutan Traveler. Mask dances presented are based on ancient tales and spiritual practices. Laymen present secular, political tails while monks present complicated Tantric Buddhist version of afterlife, saints and deities.
    The stag and Hound dance on the first day visualize the compassionate story of the great saint and poet Milarepa. According to the story Milarepa, brings compassion to the hearts of the hounds that were chasing stag through a forest where he was meditating.
    On the second day dancers represent mystic yogis with miraculous power by dressing in large black hats and brocade. The dance known as Zhana Nga Chham clams victory with drums after the destruction of evil.
    The final day introduces the more menacing dances- Durdag is performed with skull masks and depict the lords of the cremation grounds subjugating the demons who harm tantric Buddhism, Tungam is again performed with terrifying masks, and depict Guru Rinpochhe waging a war against demonic powers, and Raksha Marcham depicts the judgment of the dead.
    The most important dance in the festival may be the Guru Tshengye Dance, where it is believed the Guru himself manifests in the dancers who represent his eight manifestations, and blesses the onlookers.
    The festival will be concluded on 27th September with the unfurling of a Guru Thongdrol (Thanka), a giant appliqué image of Guru Rinpoche, which, it is believed, absolves all negativity from whoever looks upon it.
    The day to day itinerary is available at
    Nepal Bhutan Tour for Thimphu Tshechu Festival
    Nepal Tour

  • #2
    The Bhutan is not much popular as tourist destination but it is well known among adventurists. With some of the highest summits of the Himalayas, including Kula Kangri and Jitchu Drake, Bhutan has always attracted mountaineers. Bhutan also possesses a unique culture and Thimphu festival is the perfect event to be a part of it.
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    • #3
      Thimphu is the capital of Bhutan and it is the centre of government. The broad Thimphu valley represents mostly urban way of life. Just like any other place in Bhutan. This valley is clothed with beautiful trees from valleys to the hill top and with beautiful buildings built and maintained with traditional Bhutanese architecture.
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