Great web site - I will explore it a lot more now that i have found you!
Has anyone heard of a sort of database that hotels keep that list clients who snore loudly? It's kept apparently by a few hotels or chains (but kept quiet!) so that regular travellers who snore loudly can be put in remote or quieter rooms!
It made me laugh - but someone I know in the trade mentioned it.
LOL what a hoot!
Anyway - I just returned from a stay in a Paris hotel (Hotel Moderne St Germain) and had a great time except for one night where my "neighbour" kept me awake until late.
Ho hum the perils of travel i guess!
Best wishes to all my new found friends in here.
Has anyone heard of a sort of database that hotels keep that list clients who snore loudly? It's kept apparently by a few hotels or chains (but kept quiet!) so that regular travellers who snore loudly can be put in remote or quieter rooms!
It made me laugh - but someone I know in the trade mentioned it.
LOL what a hoot!
Anyway - I just returned from a stay in a Paris hotel (Hotel Moderne St Germain) and had a great time except for one night where my "neighbour" kept me awake until late.
Ho hum the perils of travel i guess!
Best wishes to all my new found friends in here.
