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If space travel vacations were possible, would you go?

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  • If space travel vacations were possible, would you go?

    Hi there!

    If you could travel to Mars, Jupiter or Saturn and stay in a luxury hotel for 3 days, would you go and why?

    If you wouldn't go, why not?

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  • #2
    If space vacation were possible I want to visit Mars and the Moon...

    I choose them because they are near to reality...

    Moon was visited by humans before and Mars said the second possible living planet to Earth...

    I am so curious what is in there and the feeling being there...^_^


    • #3
      Originally posted by titus View Post
      Hi there!

      If you could travel to Mars, Jupiter or Saturn and stay in a luxury hotel for 3 days, would you go and why?

      If you wouldn't go, why not?

      1. I will definitely and positively would go.

      2. If I wouldn't go then its most probably due to financial.
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      • #4
        Well Mars is the only realistic place to go because we would die a horrible instant death at the other 2 places.

        So Mars it is, hope I get to meet a nice Marsian woman at the luxury resort


        • #5
          If space travel vacations were possible, would you go?

          Why not…. I would definitely go to see the outer world beyond earth as it will be a completely new and unique experience. But before that I would like to travel the whole world.
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          • #6
            I would love to go to Moon. From my childhood I always had a thought about how the Moon grounds would be.


            • #7
              Originally posted by georgecombey View Post
              1. I will definitely and positively would go.

              2. If I wouldn't go then its most probably due to financial.
              ROFL! Me too!

              Seriously though, I´d love to go to the furthest away place. Somewhere so far away, I´d die in the spaceship on the way there, but I´s have a great journey and go where nobody has ever been before. I used to day-dream about that as a kid. Like when I´m old, just go on a trip and never come back.
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              • #8
                yes i will, because i love exploring new places.


                • #9
                  If space travel vacations were possible, I would go.
                  I want to see Moon and Mars from near.
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                  • #10
                    Wow, that’s so amazing if space travel will be in the future and I would definitely visit to the moon with my girlfriend. I am just thinking about that moment when I will visit there.


                    • #11
                      I will like because I like to travel a new place.
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