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Bihar: A Buddhist Destination in Inida

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  • Bihar: A Buddhist Destination in Inida

    Hi Friends!!!
    Have you ever heard about the destination BIHAR (a state of India), where Lord Buddha got the enlightment (Bodh-gaya)? I want to have your views about this destination in terms of :
    1. its popularity, where do you come to know about?
    2. your perception about the place?
    3. your plan to visit this place?
    4. any recommendation about this place?

  • #2
    Gurpa in Bihar forms part of Buddhist pilgrimage sites in India that are of great significance. After the Buddha's death he was succeeded by Maha Kassapa. It is believed that while Maha Kassapa was enroute to his favourite hill resort Kukkutapadagiri, he realized that his life was nearing its end.
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