We gladly appreciate webmasters posting on Tourism Zone. Here are the terms for posting links and behaviour at the forum.
1) - You may have 2 text links in your signature. This will be checked and corrected by admin or moderators. IF ignored we will ban your account at tourismzone.com.
2) - Link must be travel related.
3) - Link will be checked by admin or moderator for approval.
4) - No spamming is allowed. If you are spamming the forum with your own sites, links will be removed by admin or moderators.
5) - You may post as much as you like with your signature link. As long as the posts and threads are travel related.
6) - Do not post your email adress, it will be removed.
7) - If you don't follow the rules, your tourismzone account will be banned.
Hey, these rules are not that hard to obey, really!
Have fun
1) - You may have 2 text links in your signature. This will be checked and corrected by admin or moderators. IF ignored we will ban your account at tourismzone.com.
2) - Link must be travel related.
3) - Link will be checked by admin or moderator for approval.
4) - No spamming is allowed. If you are spamming the forum with your own sites, links will be removed by admin or moderators.
5) - You may post as much as you like with your signature link. As long as the posts and threads are travel related.
6) - Do not post your email adress, it will be removed.
7) - If you don't follow the rules, your tourismzone account will be banned.
Hey, these rules are not that hard to obey, really!
Have fun